Please check if you would like your event to be: Videotaped Photographed N/A
Please check any A/V needs: Worship Live Stream Overflow Parking Lot Overflow NO Worship, Live Stream, Overflow, or Parking Lot Overflow
Pulpit Table N/A
Wireless, handheld, or stationary mic Audio Recording Video Recording
Videos Pictures Slides None
Powerpoint presentation Computer Connection
Any other notes to help the A/V Team prepare for the event:
Type/Name of event:
Date of event:
Time Staff arrive:
Official Start Time:
Official End Time:
Number of persons expected:
Location of event:
Parking Lot ( East-children’s area) Parking Lot (West) Main Sanctuary Overflow
Please describe in detail any aspects of this event that are not explained or noted on this form:
Number of staff involved with event (radios distribution)
Contact number of requester:
Date of request:
Name of requester:
Name of alternate requester or alternate lead of event:
Contact number of Alternate lead:
Your concerns related to event security: